Plan by losimovic, 1867 (Maksimovic 1967). Turkish plan of 1863 (Duric Zamolo 1977). Replanning of Serres, 1918 (Athens, Ministry of Town Planning Archives). Byzantine city and churches, 1913 (collection N. Views of the city in the making (Miheli 1989).Ĥ0. Plan of Eretria, 1834 (Athens, Ministry of Town Planning Archives. Plan of Patras, 1829 (Paris, Service Historique de l'Armee de Terre). Russian plan of Bucharest, circa 1780 (Paris, Service Historique de l'Armee de Terre).ģ8. Sofia aIllI Filippopolis, 1720 (Balgarskite Zemi." 1986). The city of Ainos, 1845 (Paris, Service Historique de )'Armee de Terre).įlorina in western Macedonia, 1918 (Athens, Ministry of Town Planning Archives).ģ7. Thcssaloniki, 1784 (Thessaloniki History Centre).ģ6. Plan of !v!ontpellier and its fortified extension, 1719 (Urbal1isme 215 / 1986, p. Spanish plan for Caracas, 17th century (La CiLidad Hispalloamerical1a, 1989). ~!ap of the Balkans, circa 1900 (Greek Literary and Historical Archives, E.L.LA).ģ4. ~lap of Europe, circa 1780 (Strasbourg, Musee Alsacien). Towns of Lcsnica 1836, Bajina Basta, and Kraljevo (Maksimovic 1938).ģ3. Original plan of Donji Milanovae, 1831 (Maksimovic 1962) Plans of Kraljevicevo and labuka in Banat, 18th century (Maksimovie 1938).ģ2. Redesign of towns in eastern Macedonia, 1920 (Kafkoula 1992).ģ1. Redesign of towns in eastern Macedonia, 1920 (Kafkoula 1992).ģ0. Replanning of Carditsa, 1890 (plan redrawn according to archival material by Maria Tsivou).Ģ9. Plans for Eretria and Piraeus by CJeanthis and Schaubert, 1834 (Travlos 1960).Ģ8. Plan for Athens by Cleanthis and Schaubert, 1833 by Klentze, 1834 (Travlos 1960).Ģ7. New plan for the dcstroyed city of Patras by S.

Aerial photos of Sparta and Corinth, early 20th c. Extcnsion of the harbour area of Galatsi (Gutkind 1972).Ģ4. Replanning and extension of Braila, 1867 (Sfintescu 1933).Ģ3. Danubian cities redesigned (Sfintescu 1933). Bucharest at the beginning of the 19th c. Tirana in Albania in the early 1900s (monthly reviewYiati, 239-241/1995, p. Models from 18th century Russia (Bun in 1961). Napoleonville, designed in the early 1800s (Urballisme 215 / 1986, p. Athens in ]826, plan by 1.F.Bessan (Travlos 1960). Traditional neighbourhoods in Thessaloniki, 1900.Ĭomotini, a medium-sized city in Thrace, Greece, in the early 1900s. Territorial changes in the Balkans 1815-1923 (Ancel 1926).ġ4. Unless indicated otherwise, plans and photographs are by the author. The contemporary city and the unimplemented master plan of 1917. 115Īpplication of the plan, social and spatial inpact. Legislation to implement the plan in the historical centre. The replanning of Thessaloniki after the fire of 1917 and the beginnings The replanning of the intra muros city in 1905. 61ĭemolition of the east wall and residential expansion. The Thessaloniki projects: Demolition of the sea wall and expansion of the central districts. Urban e}.-pansion and changing uses of city walls in the late Ottoman Balkans. The replanning of Bulgarian cities at the turn of the century. 31Ī plan for Skopje in the early of the 20th century. 29Ĭreating a network of cities in Serbia. The making of modern Greek cities in the 19th century. Town planning in Romania in the 19th century. Introduction: Traditional forms and new models.