Open Hypershade or your material attributes and create a 'PxrTexture' node, in the attributes change the atlas style to UDIM, load your textures and connect it to the diffuse and specular channels of the PxrMarschnerHair shader,

Select all your images, then select a target directory and press OK. Use the Renderman Texture Manager to convert your textures to. Select the hair and assign the PxrMarschnerHair shader, Ornatrix will export the hair UVs and curve IDs by default, but a shader with the ability to use this data is needed.
#Renderman render settings how to#
The following example show how to texture Ornatrix hair using the PxrMarschnerHair shader and UDIM tile textures. Simply select Renderman as the render engine for the scene and Ornatrix hair should appear in the resulting renders. Ornatrix is supported in all versions of Renderman 21 and newer. Renderman is a feature rich, well established renderer developed by Pixar Supported versions The groom changes when moving the vertices on the distribution surface.Clumps disappear when reloading the scene.Unable to manipulate guides roots using the transformation tools.Guide Shape Changes After Duplicating a Part of Base Mesh.Strands Flipping on a Deforming Base Mesh.Guides or Hair are not Displayed in Viewport.